Our Process

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We exist as a bridge between an animal's life of purpose and its posthumous significance. Our careful and respectful process from slaughter to refined buffalo hide products reflects our commitment to preserving the honor of the buffalo and acknowledging its integral role in our history and culture.

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“What happens to the buffalo’s meat?”

The originate across the western United States, and the meat is carefully handled and sent to meat packers, ensuring that it reaches its intended destination as nourishment for people.

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Important notes on the process of preserving the buffalo:

  • Our process for buffalo hides is guided by a deep respect for the animal and its legacy.

  • Skilled craftsmen and women work to transform these hides to bring out the natural beauty and quality of the hides. It is essential to note that the buffalo hides are not the primary objective of the slaughter; they are a byproduct.

  • The buffalo are primarily slaughtered for their meat, and the hides would normally be discarded if not for their value and potential. By choosing to honor the animal through the use of its hide, we ensure that no part of the animal goes to waste.

With each buffalo hide product, we invite our customers to appreciate the legacy of the buffalo, symbolizing strength, resilience, and the timeless spirit of the American West.

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By choosing Front Range Buffalo Company, you support ethical practices and celebrate the beauty and heritage embodied in every buffalo hide. Contact us today!

Call: 970.567.9774

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